TackSHS 2nd Annual Consortium Meeting held in Milan

The 2nd TackSHS Consortium Meeting held on 28-29 November 2016 at the Mario Negri Institute in Milan gathered 27 researchers and professionals from six European countries for a successful two-day progress meeting, during which each team presented progress of the studies and work programme for the next three years.

The multidisciplinary team of public health scientists, medical and environmental epidemiologists, occupational health specialists, respiratory physicians, health economists and policy experts from six European countries provided clear overviews of the activities carried out in each of the project’s 11 work packages and presented the work plans for the coming three years. In-depth discussions uncovered new possibilities for coordinating work across consortium partners and individual research objectives. TackSHS dissemination and publication activities were discussed and partners agreed on ensuring a strong role for dissemination and stakeholder involvement in the remaining three years of the project.

TackSHS aims at tackling secondhand tobacco smoke and e-cigarette emissions by creating assessment of exposure assessment, impact on lung diseases and economic burden in diverse European populations and developing novel interventions. Within a fast changing environment, this project will try to elucidate the comprehensive impact that SHS and e-cigarette aerosols have on the European population and how health impacts vary according to socio-economic parameters with particular emphasis on specific vulnerable groups such as patients suffering from chronic lung diseases.

Read the news article posted on Mario Negri Institute (Italian)